Hook Module: Story questions for fiction & narrative non-fiction - Video 1 & task H1A
In this module, you will:
- discover what a hook is and why it’s so important;
- uncover or develop hooks for your book,
- and learn how to incorporate them into your pitch, blurb or book proposal.
HOOK Module Task H1 for writers of fiction & narrative non-fiction
As you’ve seen in the videos, there are 2 versions of task 1, depending on the book you’re planning, writing or selling. Hooks are not always made explicit, especially in fiction – but there are no right or wrong answers to this: in some cases, a novel or non-fiction book will offer several hooks, designed to catch different readers.
H1A Fiction/Narrative non-fiction:
Look at the descriptions online or on the back of up to 5 recently published books in your genre, including your favourites and/or bestsellers. See if you can identify the hook(s). Sometimes the hook is expressed as a story question – but just as often, there’s a summary.
Use worksheet H1A for this task.
Hook Module H1A Worksheet.pdf